Princess AU Aesthetics

Aesthetic/moodboard things for a vaguely Princess Diaries-inspired WIP chat AU.
(Upgraded/Edited as of 9/4/17)

From NY to NZ…to the Principality of Buckland…

Trott thought he had enough on his plate, mid-way through finishing the last semester of his fashion degree at FIT in New York City, and searching for a way to kickstart his career in design. But a bodyguard for the city-state of Buckland shows up at his university looking for him, claiming he’s the long lost heir to the royal throne. Suddenly, it’s not just gender fluid style choices Trott has to figure out- it’s family secrets, hiding from the press, navigating his love life, and helping to run a fucking country. All at the same time.

Turns out being a princess isn’t all it cracks up to be.

Princess Trott in NYC:

Princess Trott AU- NYC

Bodyguard Sips:

Princess Trott AU- Sips

The Principality of Buckland:

Princess Trott AU- Buckland

The Royal Palace:

Princess Trott AU- Royal Palace

All pictures are not mine, however they should be free-to-use (links under the read-more). If I need to change something/tag something, let me know.

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UMY Aesthetic

Aesthetic/moodboard thing for my UMY series. (Upgraded/Edited as of 7/15/17)

Teaser text from multitudinous seas incarnadine

multitudinous seas incarnadine aesthetic

All pictures are not mine, however they should be free-to-use (links under the read-more). If I need to change something/tag something, let me know.

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Doctor Smith AU Aesthetics

Aesthetic/moodboard things for the Dr. Smith AU. (Upgraded/Edited as of 3/8/17)
I once made aesthetics for the murder mystery AU, the AU that the what-if -Dr.Smith AU stems from, and I decided to test out another free photo website I found. However, these aesthetics are smaller, because it’s still hard to find free science photos.
They’re different, though, and I like it. Some of the pics/lore can also be applicable to the mmau. So. Yeah.
cw: doctors/hospitals/blood







All pictures are not mine, however they should be free-to-use (links under the read-more). If I need to change something/tag something, let me know.

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Anti-Haul ‘Tuber Aesthetics

Aesthetic/moodboard things for a…WIP… / for that one anti-haul vid
(Upgraded/Edited as of 1/27/17)
((I love how these turned out, though))






All pictures are not mine, however they should be free-to-use (links under the read-more). If I need to change something/tag something, let me know.

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Tailor AU Aesthetics

Aesthetic/moodboard things for Ribbons. (Upgraded/Edited as of 1/12/17)

Tailor Trott:


Guitarist Smith:


Businessman Ross:


All pictures are not mine, however they should be free-to-use (links under the read-more). If I need to change something/tag something, let me know.

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